Friday, September 26, 2008

45 days

That's how long it has been since I have watched TV. If you know me well, you know that reaching this number did not come without a major sacrifice. I love TV. TV is my best friend. TV puts me to sleep. TV lets me come home from work and just blaaaaaaahhhhh the rest of the night away if I want to. When Justin and I moved, we decided we would go without TV if we could. Yes, WE decided that. I agreed to it and so far this TV detox hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I do miss the Today's show in the mornings while I am getting ready for work, but other than that I have managed to survive. In fact, I don't really have much of a desire to get my beloved TV back. Actually, we technically still HAVE a TV. A pretty nice flat screen sitting right in our front room in the entertainment center. Its just unplugged. And the rest of our TV's are in storage. Now that is will power!
Its amazing how much you can get done when there is no TV! Laundry is folded, dishes are washed, carpets are vacuumed, thank you notes are written, dinner is made. Now if I can just get myself to the gym....


MJJarman said...

I feel the same way about TV. Its my sanity with a crying baby at 3 in the morning. Joe hates it and tries to get me to go without it. Fat chance. I could never go without for that long, unless I was having fun in Jackson HOle or something!

The Prestons said...

Looks like you guys have had a fun, fun summer! Good job on resisting the tv. We only have bunny ears, but it still can be a serious waist of time!